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We have put together a packet of health and training information for our new puppy owners. 


There is so much available on the internet to answer your questions that I am not going to attempt to re-write all of that content in my own words!

It can, however, become overwhelming to do research and it keeps your eyes glued to the computer screen for hours rather than playing with Fido, who is patiently waiting to go to the park. As an owner it is your responsibility to acquire the knowledge to raise your dog in the best possible way.

Here are just a few websites that have helped me. You can find more on the "Great Links" Tab.


The bottom line to your dog's well being is what you are feeding them. We believe in a holistic approach, taking the whole dog into consideration. We feed a raw food diet based on the foods dogs have been eating for thousands of years. New commercial feed is usually full of chemicals. There are now several companies providing human grade, nutritionally balanced, organic food. Sure, it costs a little more, but your dog will eat less, their poop doesn't stink and there is less to clean up. they will have a healthier shiny coat, clean teeth and good breath. You will save money on vet bills and your dog will live longer. This is cancer prevention.

Another benefit to this diet is that your dog will feel wonderful! Isn't this the very least we can do for someone who gives so much back to us? FAmilies with dogs should devote a block of time every day to giving their faithful companion a time of playful exercise. Our dogs should have their desire for romping and playing fully met by their human family.

Animals in our care are totally dependent on us for their needs. We must do what is right for them in diet and health care, even if there is an inconvenience to us. If we cannot provide what the animal needs, I believe we should volunteer at animal shelters to get our personal “fix” of cuddles and nurture, rather than own an animal that is too expensive or too inconvenient for us to handle.

Here are some websites for you to study:

The Truth 4 Dogs Exposing the myths and truths about dog health

The Natural Rearing Breeders Assoc. 

Dog Naturally Magazine Online

Immunizations; Titers eBook FREE DOWNLOAD AT:

Natural Healthcare for Dogs, Yahoo Group:

Revisiting The Idea Of Early-Age Neutering


What goes in, comes out! Whatever you feed your pet will show up in their health; their coats, eyes, bones, organs, energy and of course…poop!

We owe it to the animals in our care to feed them a nutritionally balanced diet.

The Dog Food Advisor website listed above is fantastic. It scientifically evaluates the nutritional value of dozens of manufactured dog foods.

I was stunned to find the food we had been using was only rated with 3 out of 5 stars. It was an expensive, vet recommended feed that I had researched well before selecting it. It wasn’t that is was so bad, however, with new research from many recent studies, there are even better foods available.

I entered a search; “five star dog food” and came up with a long list to choose from. Some were freeze dried, some raw diet, some kibble, but all had five stars for their content. All were “human grade” ingredients, which elevated them immediately over most other feeds.

It is a matter of selecting the type of dog you have, the kind of activities your dog is doing, the particular nutrients they need and the price per pound of the feed.

Keep in mind that most of these more expensive brands require much less feeding because there are no filler items that do nothing for the dog’s nutritional needs or hunger.

The better the food, the more nutrients will be absorbed into the body, and the less the dog will eliminate.

Choose well. You will find that there will be fewer vet bills in the long run and your dog will feel great, which will make you happier and confident that you are being a responsible pet owner.

By the way; please remember that giving your dog "junk food" treats will completely go against the point of feeding your dog a healthy brand of dog food. Keep the treats healthy too.

Some treats will kill your dog, such as raisins...please familiarize yourself with a "DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG THESE ITEMS" guide and don't spoil your efforts with lack of information.


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I don't know about you, but I am tired of staring at the computer screen. It is nice to sit down with a cup of tea, a colorful magazine and a dog on my knee - rather than having a headache and an awkward, heavy metallic object on my lap.

Both make my knees hot, but only one makes me feel loved!

Let us know what you think! Use the blog or guest book tabs.

On the subject of food...check out this site for stocking up on human food in case of an emergency:

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