We specialize in longevity!​
Contact us today to conduct an adoption intake interview and see if your home environment is a good match for one of our True2gold puppies. Qualified families will be offered an opportunity to visit us and spend time with our dogs.
Once approved, you will be able to place your 50% reservation deposit and your name will be placed on a select list of those who can choose their puppy in the 5th week of life, based on the date the reservation deposit was received. This will be explained in detail when we conduct the interview.
NOTE: It is imperative that you are familiar with the content of our website before we have our first conversation. This helps us tremendously from repeating the same information.
Now Accepting Applications for Litters:
January 13th, 2025 ​​
March 9th, 2025
Taking Reservations now.
Purebred Golden litters will be born this summer, 2025
Midnight Golden litter is due on January 13th, 2025
Those who have made a reservation are given priority in the selection process.
We encourage you to make your inquiry phone call and confirm your compatibility for a healthy, Golden Retriever family member from one of our litters.
We always suggest selecting your breeder before selecting
a puppy, so please review our record on how we have consistently
provided puppies from the highest quality genetics in Southern California.
Every pup is healthy, intelligent and has a great personality.

Why are True2Gold pups considered to be the best?
American Golden Retrievers have a 65% propensity to pass away from cancer under 8 years old.
Here's how we have beaten the cancer problem.
We began our program with parents from cancer-free lines. We did a lot of research. It was very hard to find puppies with a cancer-free family history. We researched all of their relatives to ensure that all family members were alive and active up to 14-16 years old. We then selected our first breeding pair who had no cancer in their genes.
As we have expanded we are committed to only using European sires and American sires with an insignificant rate of cancer.
We have created a completely holistic breeding program, including vaccinations and organic food and water. You can read about that here.
We keep in touch with our families at least annually. They have committed to inform us of any irregular vet examination, so we know what's happening with our pups.
Our families continue our program and since we began we have bred over 350 healthy puppies with only 2 cases of cancer that we are aware of. That means our pups are 99% likely to live well into old age! Treasure's father lived to be 16 years old, active into the very last year of his life.
In the past 12 years we have bred over 300 healthy puppies!
... and they stay healthy!
We are committed to staying in touch with all of our families to ensure the lifetime health of our pups. We want to know how our dogs are doing - up the genetic lines into their past ancestries, and down, recording the health of our puppies.
If your puppy or adult dog visits the vet for any reason other than regular health procedures, we ask that you forward the vet records to us. We will get involved with any health issues your dog has, for life!
We are thrilled to say there have not been any medical conditions that have affected any of our puppies. There has never been a puppy that contracted any of the 4 puppy illnesses for which they get vaccinated. In our 12 years of breeding, Golden Retrievers born from True2Gold litters have less than a .075% cancer mortality rate..
This is an exceptionally uncommon health track record for Golden Retriever breeders. Most breeders won't be able to tell you how their puppies are doing after maturing into adulthood, because they do not stay in touch with their families. Most breeders cannot tell you about the health of the grand parents, or great-grandparents.
When visiting a breeder most people know to check out the parents. Those parents are 3-8 years old. What about the the grandparents, 8-12 years old? Check them out too. Few breeders can tell you about the Great Grandparents. Here at True2Gold you can play with our Great-GrandDam, Treasure, who is 14 years old and still active.
Continue to read our story to learn why we are so successful in breeding healthy puppies.​​​​​​​​
We are proud to announce the addition of our Midnight Goldens to our successful breeding program. Our Midnight Goldens are a combination of Golden Retriever/Newfoundland.
The larger-than-life Golden Newfie is a great family dog that comes from crossing two sweet-natured, large-breed dogs; the hard-working and eager-to-please Newfoundland and the famously gentle and easygoing Golden Retriever. The end result is a great big ball of fur that loves to be involved in all things family, and is up for any and all outdoor or indoor activities. In spite of their size the Golden Newfie is a gentle, playful family dog that brings the sweet natured personality of the Golden Retriever together with the calm easy-going and protective character of the Newfoundland, providing a great family watch dog. They have less energy than a Golden and are peaceful and patient, making them easier to train. The "gentle giant" Retriever has arrived!
As seen below, our litters typically have two colors, black and gold. Some pups have a black coat with adorable white paws. More pics on our puppy page.
Please reach out with any questions!!

Use arrows to navigate.
True2Gold pups come from a genetically cancer-free lineage with great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives living up to 16 years old. Every relative was carefully researched and found to be actively participating in hunting sports, showing, agility competitions and most importantly, healthy and enjoying vibrant old ages.
This is why it is imperative to ask about the health and ages of the grandparents and great-grandparents before selecting your puppy.
We use ORGANIC feeds, filtered ALKALINE water and HOLISTIC vaccines, giving your pup the best healthy, CANCER-FREE start to life. Our families continue with the same care and enjoy our dogs living long lives.
We also supplement with PROTANDUM; a human grade combination of nutrients proven to target free-radicals that endure aging. Available at True2Gold.
With more than 300 puppies born from Treasure's line, including her 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters, we are fortunate to have had amazing health and longevity success from all of our litters!
Now that Treasure is happily enjoying retirement, three of her Daughters, two of her Granddaughters and two of her Great-Granddaughters are carrying on Treasure's famous health and longevity legacy;
DAUGHTERS: Treasure's Jubilee, Treasure's Emanuel, and Treasure's Gabriel
GRANDDAUGHTERS: Bountiful Beauty (BB) and Emanuel's Ariel
GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTERS: Halellujah (Haley) and Jubilee's Puccini
See their pictures under the tab Sires and Dams.
Dogs - for Loving Life!

We believe that every animal owner should be thrilled with their well-mannered, loving companion, every moment of the day.
We believe that every pet has the ability to behave appropriately, they just need love, patience, and consistent training.
We believe that there are no bad dogs, just badly trained dogs.
Without manners, it is impossible for an animal to please its master, and without personal discipline, it is impossible for a master to modify the behavior of their animal.
The Human Element of Raising a Pet:
- Personal Discipline
- Patience and Self Control
- Being Prepared/Trained/Educated
The Pet:
Needs the human for every step of guidance or they will resort to their natural instinctive behavior.
Remember this, never forget this...
When you buy a puppy, you are inviting a member of the animal kingdom to live in your domain.
Your habitats include carpets and cars, children and friends, and all things that are not common in animal habitats.
For thousands of years, animals have adapted to their unique environment - over time. In our society, we often insist on pets immediately adapt to living inside a home - with carpet and hardwood floors, with many tempting treasures to play with and chew!
We insist on animals living in human habitat, and then expect them to do it without giving them enough time to adapt. Frustrated families with puppies rarely give them enough training or knowledgeable training. We expect them to behave as humans do, NOT to behave like an animal with instincts!
Dogs are simply fulfilling their natural-born instincts to chew, dig, eliminate waste, make all kinds of noises and smell our personal private parts!
We must not be upset with dogs for their natural instincts...
...that would be cruel!
For example:
- To hit a young puppy for chewing up a couch when he has been left unattended for hours in the living room is OUR human error, not his.
- To yell at a pup for urinating on the floor when we have not spent the proper time training him or provided a bathroom break at the correct time, would be OUR human error, not his.
- To harshly discipline a dog for barking is unfair. they may be trained to not be vocal, but barking is their natural communication. We want our pups to bond with us...but then we are upset when they bark because they missed us! They are simply communicating their joy at seeing us again.

By demanding that our young pups live with us in our home without training or boundaries, we are allowing them to do all the things they naturally do - we must not punish them for doing it!
Unintentionally, we even train them to do the opposite of what we want, by not understanding how to communicate with them.
We must learn their language before we can teach them ours. Dogs have a very defined and ordered pack language. A lead dog, called an Alpha, will control the pack.
If your dog is always in front of you going through a door or pulling ahead on the leash, he is definitely thinking that HE is the Alpha! If you do not lead, he will!
This is just one example.
We cannot expect an animal to simply pick up human requests without proper training! Please understand that human error is the problem. Almost every pup is trainable unless it has a genetic defect. They can all successfully learn to cohabit with humans providing we do our part and don't expect a "miraculous morphing" from animal to a human on the part of the dog!
Remember, a human child would pee all over the floor if we did not teach them how to use the potty!
Once again, we must learn a dog's language before we can teach them ours. There are many books, websites and other resources that can help owners understand how dogs communicate in packs. Once we understand dog's natural behavior, so many things they do make more sense. Also, we can be much more effective in developing training methods that they can relate to.
You must be patient, you must be prepared, you must train yourself - and you must be willing to do it right away with consistency,
....or please do not buy a puppy!
All of our puppies have an opportunity to stay with us longer for basic training. We make arrangements for you to visit and we will show you how to train your pup yourself. We offer education for our families with our pups. We want to know that you are completely prepared to train your dog properly so that both of you are happy.
There are some wonderful rescue organizations who offer older, trained dogs for adoption. Once you have carefully selected the breed you can apply to adopt an older dog...and don't worry, an older dog will bond with you just as quickly as a puppy will. In fact, some are even more grateful to have a new owner, depending on their past.
Please, for your own sanity and your pet's safety,
be prepared!
For more on this and other excellent training skills, please refer to: Useful Information and the Links Page and look for the Dog Training Secret website link. They offer very good Dog Training Videos for home training. ( just $65.00 ).
Companion and Service Dogs
- for Loving Life!
We believe in Love at First Sight!
...simply because we have seen people fall in love with our dogs over and over again upon their first meeting!
Most people know what they want and need in a dog, and when they see it - nothing else will do!
This is why there are some who will wait for over a year to get a puppy from us. Once they meet our Sire and Dam, (the parents), and examine the lineage, their forever friend is worth waiting for.
My Background
I have been an avid animal owner and trainer since early childhood.
I was often found teaching my cat and parrot to do tricks while my friends were watching TV. There were times when I couldn't be found at all since I had ridden my bike to visit the horses in the neighboring fields! I learned to ride and train horses at a young age by cleaning stalls at the local racetrack and exercising their horses. It was the thrill of my teenage years to run those horses on the track for leisurely workouts. But if I didn't maintain a relationship with those massive athletes, I wouldn't have been going home in one piece!
My love for animals has extended to every living creature, from saving bees in swimming pools, to riding dolphins across ocean pools!
Just as soon as I was able, my husband and I bought a ranch and became the proud owners of many horses over the years. My favorite place was galloping accross fields on trail rides in the mountains. The trust between a horse and rider is especially magnificent when lives depend on both the horse and rider to navigate unknown and sometimes dangerous terrain.
As a young married woman with small children, I could not purchase good horses on my tight budget. I found owners and trainers of racehorses on the big city racetrack and bought horses that were "useless" as a winning racehorse. At 2,3 and 4 yrs old these fine Thoroughbreds were beautiful, well-bred young horses, raised on the finest feed and with excellent care. For the owners, they were costly "losers". I bought each one for under $600.
Naturally, these thoroughbreds were trained to run fast - and run faster when the reins were pulled! I would have to re-train these horses into safe, manageable mounts.
After the horse and I had agreed that stopping was ok and that we didn't have to pass every horse in the pack, we worked on learning other skills in the dressage, jumping and cross country disciplines. After many months of exciting experiences, and only when they were safe, I could offer them for sale.
I then sold the horses to entry-level competition, men and women who were tall! They went on to have some wonderful careers. I became well known among the local vets as someone who could understand the needs of a horse and correct behavior. I was greatly encouraged when a vet approached me to train her own horse.
Later in life I had ariding school with 30 children, many of them were disabled. Trusting my horses with children with severely limited physical abilities did not just happen. It required ears of patient training and trust between my horses and myself, a trust that extended 60 feet across the arena! You cannot accomplish that kind of behavior with sticks and brutality.
Our daughter took a different path, training a massive young thoroughbred horse to jump a course of 3" high fences. Her patience and innate confidence with her horses came from growing up around our loving but disciplined training principles. Hannah almost turned pro, jumping fabulous horses we leased for the higher levels of competition. Still, she was teaching those horses every moment.
Every moment with an animal you are teaching them something; either something positive or something negative, animals are always learning.
Our animals were well-loved and we had many of them.
As time went on I purchased some wonderful horses for my family. We owned Arabs, Quarter Horses, a Mustang and my favorite, Tennessee Walkers. All of these horses underwent further training on our ranches and I became ever eager to learn how to train and correct behavior without the use of man-made tools; whips, harsh bits, and restraining devices. I learned from the best in the business, older men and women who had trained hundreds of horses with a gentle hand.
With this background, I took my knowledge of animal behavior and trained our first two Golden Retriever Service Dogs. Physically I am unable to ride or maintain horses any more. I took all the training I had used for the horses and focused on my dogs.
Thanks for your interest!
Jenny Root, Golden Retriever Breeder at True2gold
Our Mission
"To breed healthy, long-living Golden Retrievers, matching them with human partners who will give them the best of life with informed health care, responsible training and a lot of love."
This is True 2 Gold!
We're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. (209) 814-6804.
Our Story
Our decision to turn a passion into a business was "forced" upon us by innocent citizens! People we meet in every day life persist in asking for our help - and they wanted to buy our dogs! Their pleading eyes were worse than a puppy's longing looks! But seriously, they were genuinely needing help in finding quality dogs with good bloodlines at a reasonable price.
As we traveled often with my Service Dogs we would draw a lot of attention from people who passed by. Inevitably we stood for long periods of time talking about our dogs. Adults and children from all walks of life would pet them and enjoy loving on them. Businessmen became toddlers as they gushed over the dogs!
Sometimes we would not get our errands done since so many people would stop us. Walking through an airport or hotel lobby could easily take an extra hour!
Many people would then notice how our Goldens were quietly seated or lying down as we talked. This was impressive since most dogs would not be so patient and compliant. People who watched our dogs' gentle mannerisms asked us where they could find a dog like ours. We decided then to breed our own.
We have been able to help many people with their own dog's behavior training. We are able to walk you through most issues you encounter or we can refer you to the best trainers in the area.
The Trigger Point of Change
It was upon the tragic death of my beloved dog, True, that I realized the need for someone to breed for longevity as well as super qualities. True died suddenly of cancer at only 8 years old. True had saved my life on three occasions, she never left my side. She was an angel in a dog's frame!
Her death was unexpected and heartbreaking. No one should have to experience the premature death of a beloved friend.
I went in search of puppies from a breeder who could tell me about the grandparent's good, long health. It was surprisingly difficult. Most breeders had no idea about the ancestors of their dogs or how long they lived.
Finally I found a breeder who actually had my key word "longevity" in her vocabulary! They had bred for health - not just color or temperament. Most Golden Retrievers already have a fantastic, cheerful temperament so breeding for health and longevity makes so much sense.
I was impressed with the older ages of the family members within the blood lines, so that I became confident that this was the excellent start we needed. The grandfather was a champion hunter and the mother was an incredibly sweet companion dog. We chose a female puppy as our first breeding bitch, Treasure.
Quite soon after, we found another breeder with the same qualified pups. True was the biggest yet most calm puppy in the litter. He was a cuddler from the start.
Service Dogs for Loving Life!
As we conducted our own further research we noticed another problem that exists in the canine world: good trainers and breeders charge very expensive fees! And they deserve every penny.
We now breed and offer training for Service Dogs in order to provide wonderful companions to deserving people.
This is a blessed combination.
Our goal is the joy of blessing others with wonderful Companion and Service Dogs going to loving people who need assistance. We love to see disabled people find the help and companionship they need.
Our program is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals as well as the people we meet ever day who fall in love with our dogs and declare...
"Love at first sight!"
We're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please contact us.
True 2 Gold is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your realistic expectations.
We hope to see you again!